I've made up my mind

Saturday, August 15, 2009

I'll stay strong for me...

I'll let go for me...
I wont deny that im feeling very shitty right now...
I feel very emo...
Feel very depressed and lost...
But I believe that I can overcome this...
If he does not know how to appreciates me...
Then its his lost...
I've done my best to maintain it...
But he doesnt care...
he doesnt bother...
so thats it...
I'll give up and move on...
luckily I still my friends to always be there for me....
Be there to cheer me up...
Be there to share my pain and sorrow...
And also, lend me their shoulder to cry on...
I wont let their effort go to waste...
So i'll be strong for them and myself...
I know i can...

ps: there are many more fishes in the sea... XD but not planning to fish for any now... =) just need some company... =)

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Delcious Icecream



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