Why cant I log into the stupid ebrary??? I have been trying to do so for like god knows who many fucking times and yet i failed... stupid stupid stupid!!!! urgh!!! sien nia today... like hell and shit k? seriously... First... about him and now about this??? damn la!!! So god damn pek cek right now... U know what I feel like wanna do now? I feel like wanna just scream my lungs out until I feel good... urgh... If and only if I could do that... I wish I could... Damn 2day... >.<>.< Geram!!!!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Written by
ThE GiFt oF LifE Is LiFe ItsElf
11:20 PM
1 voice-out(s)
Monday, July 21, 2008
Here I am multitasking by doing my homework, chatting and blogging... ahahaha super leh? ai zai la... BD so dont mess with me man... especially when i mean it... XD 2day is kinda normal but next week same time, same day... it wont be so normal and boring anymore. why? cos its my college's prom night!!! wwwee!!! and i get to go with him!!! yay!!! XD cant wait di o... lols... But im currently feeling kinda dizzy... didnt rest just now... oops... i shouldnt have said it out loud =X heh~~ anyway, i'll rest after finish this post la... ^^
I miss u la...
If only we can meet now...
If only u can be by my side now...
How nice er...
Be my pillow and bed for me to sleep...
hehe XP
Its not my fault that sleeping on ur chest is very comfortable u know...
So comfortable that I could just sleep like that without a pillow di er...
Just feel like wanna let u know that...
I may not be very good at cheering u up...
I might ended up making u feeling worse instead...
Did I? I hope not...
But that doesnt mean I'll stop loving u o...
Pai seh ppl... Was in the mood to express my feeling out now... XP
Written by
ThE GiFt oF LifE Is LiFe ItsElf
11:05 PM
1 voice-out(s)
Friday, July 18, 2008
After almost 2 weeks of suffering from test, i finally get to on9... wwwee!!! but... Am currently using the computer at college.. cannot get to use my laptop.. sobs... cos staying back for swimming... ^^ anyway, tomorrow is the bon odori festival at esplanade... Ah V and the rest are going. So should i go or should I not? hhhmm... *thinking hard* I want to go cause get to catch up with my friends but i also dont want to go cause the place there is like damn hot and the things sold there are like damn expensive (I know its for charity) still i think that its a waste of time... but... my friends are there!! so how? haiz... decisions... decisions... always have me ended up in a dilemma... damn! anyway... know whats annoying me now? Its that I wanna log in to my college email but fail to do so... why? simple... I forgot my username!!! sobs... and I have totally no idea where have i put that peace of paper that has my email in it... damn it la... sien nia... wanna get things done faster also cannot... tsk tsk tsk... and another thing... I seriously have to answer to nature's call now but due to the temptation of on9ing... my butt is heavily glued to the chair!!! damn la.... stomach so pain now... ouch!! heh... If Chun read about this, Im so gonna kena lecture di... XD dont care la... bleks... XP anyway, 2moro finally get to spend time with him di... wee!!! due to test I postpone my date until u see? now only get to meet... sobs... nvm... 2moro will be coming soon... count down!! hehe now left less than 24hrs but more than 12hrs more to go b4 I get to meet him... *continue counting by the hour* lols... I sounded crazy? no choice.. when your in love, it happens... XP
Written by
ThE GiFt oF LifE Is LiFe ItsElf
7:43 PM
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Im sleepy...
these few days got tired easily man...
and stressed out at times... -.-
Written by
ThE GiFt oF LifE Is LiFe ItsElf
3:47 AM
DAmn these days...
Monday, July 7, 2008
SHit... this week and nex week are test weeks... even though majority of my assignments are already done... test is coming after that... cant even rest for like a week or sumting... damn pathetic man... am i prepared? sadly, i think no.... its really sickening nowadays... its like u have to study and sumtimes when ur not in the mood to study... u have to force ursef to study whether u like it or not... why? the answer is simple... if u dont wanna failed the test, then work hard!!! if u failed the tests, u wont get to seat for the finals. And if u dont get to seat for the finals, u have to waste ur time study again until u get to sit for the freaking finals... oh ya, and one more imp thing... if u failed to proceed, ur scholarship will grow wings by itsef and fly!!! fly to where? i dont know but i know it'll be flying away from me.... me!!! *sigh* luckily i manage to cope with 2day's lesson if not im guarantee screwed... whats worse... love problem... sick... i mean i was so god damn tired after 2day and also last night (din sleep well) ... yet this problem pop up... luckily i manage to take a 50 minutes nap or else i wud have explode... imagine that! -.- k k... willmake it a short post... dont know what else to complain about anymore... =D test.. test.. test.. damn i hate this word... *sigh*
Written by
ThE GiFt oF LifE Is LiFe ItsElf
11:02 PM
Thursday, July 3, 2008
dont mind if i spell it wrongly... dont know why but today i feel kind of bored with frenster and blogspot. i dont know why though... haiz... nowadays is always busy with assignments.. one coming after another... dont even have time to study until today. Since some of the assignments have been cleared off, i felt much relieve and feel like can take a slow deep breath and slow down my speed for awhile. If not kept doing everything in a rush only like as if there is no time for me to break at all. The worst part was yesterday, i was so panicked when i couldn't find my SPM result slip because the college wants to certify the slip again by nex thursday. I was so scared and down after I have search the whole room but still failed to find it. At that time i was like if i got kick out from TAR, where am i suppose to go and further my studies now? All the hard work and efford that I have put into my studies and assignments during these few weeks will ended up nothing... The more i think about it, I felt more down and sad. I wanted to cry but my tears forbid me to do so. Haiz. last night was terrible... However, in the end i manage to find it... and guess where it was... it was at my mum's cupboard stuck together with a few more pieces of paper... I was like... So here was where it was kept... I really sighed with relieve and all my worries were gone the moment i saw that paper... *sigh* nex time have to keep my imp stuff in the proper places where i can rmb and not like this... thank god i found it or else i dont think i'll have mood to do anything at all.... *relieve*
Written by
ThE GiFt oF LifE Is LiFe ItsElf
10:00 PM