wed, wed, wed...

Thursday, March 6, 2008

next wednesday will be the day SPM results are coming out... Im still counting down the days to THE day... the day that will determine my future... my career path... will i be ended up having my dream job or am i destined for something else? This question will be answered by my results when i get them... I scared that the results turn out to be worse than i aspect it to be.. i dont think i can handle that if it would to happen... my mum told me not to worry, that she'll accepts whatever that comes... but i know, deep in her heart, that's not what she really wants... because who on earth would not want to feel proud of their child? Who would not want their child to grow up and become a fine citizen and a role model for the younger generations? Who wants their child to be a useless being for the rest of their lives and not being able to go after their dream? The answer is NO ONE!!! -sigh- anyway, whatever the results are... I'll just try my best to accept it... And study harder for next exam... still... i dont think i can sleep well on the eve... probably should meditate which will have me ended up sleeping in no time... lol... hhhmm... actually... im not satisfied with the government... I mean why must they tell us a wk before the actual result day? cant they just tell us 2 or 3 days before that actual date? the days are seriously killing me... and curiousity is eating me up slowly... day by day... seriously... tsk... oh well...
Then the wed after that wed... will be the day when i'll get emotional with my babies and darlings... know what are they? my handphone and my laptop... my darlings!!!! dont know whether can survive in camp or not... just being sarcastic... anyway, im looking forward to it actually... really looking forward to it... Cause it'll be a whole new experience, meeting new people and learn to be tough and independent... im excited!! can't wait... it'll be a new being of a new life for me... Forget the past and move on with the future... yes!! im ready for it!!! =) so... im still counting down the days... counting and counting and counting...

1 comment:

+ryaN @ DuR!@n +3mPur@ said...

waaa....tung ah, i tink i m more paranoid than u lo...thinking of it..then hoping tat it'll never come out..HA!!1NEVER!!XD
mine worse than u la, i got exam u noe right, a few days after the results...==

u sure can wan..^^

Delcious Icecream


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