This is such a badnews

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Argh!!! why cant 2day be running smoothly de??? It was like I had a great time during the afternoon and in the evening, things began to tumble upside down... damn la!!! At first, Yan decided not to sing in redbox eventhough she says she's going (I'm still trying my best to persuade her to sing on that day... still trying). Then when I was in the middle of it, my another friend suddenly msg me and say that he cannot make it to gurney on saturday. Why? cos he's wallet is already dry... >.< ISh!!!!! Sien lo!!!! spoil my mood nia... Now have to wait and wait and wait nia... argh!!! Why so gai de... X'( Dont get to go kai kai this sat d la... sobs... X'(

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